A lot of people wondered and questioned, why I was travelling by myself. Most people believed I was just going to wander around by myself, like a weird loner. But that was not the case. My first time in Budapest, I met Three amazing people (from Left to Right Beth, Angus and Chelsea) I first met Beth, literally seconds After I had checked in. She was also in the same room. A quick hello, how are you, where are you from, was a enough to build a friendship. For the rest of that day we wondered around Budapest, talking and getting to know each other. She was a seasoned traveler, who was willing to give me a lot tips. Two days later, I was siting in the lobby of the hostel and a saw a girl reading a brochure about a tour I had being on earlier in the day. I made a quick comment and we started a conversion. That's how a met Chelsea. A couple of minutes later I met her boyfriend Angus, who joined us, and we hit it off. The next day which was when the picture was taken. The four of us hung out for the whole day. I got to learn a lot more about them. They are truly some of nicest people I have ever met. They where willing to share about their lives and their interests with me. Being able to walk around Budapest with such good company was one the highlights of my trip. It was simple interaction that led me to make friends half way across the world. Just by being open minded and willing to engage and interact with others. Meeting people is truly one of the best things about travelling. 

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